
What past clients have to say…

“Working with Vanessa was an amazing experience! She is knowledgeable, caring, and always responsive to any questions in a timely manner. I always felt supported by her, and learned so much about my cycle. She helped improve not only my period health, but my sleep hygiene and gut health as well. She helped me to finally transition off of the pill and I could not recommend her more! Thank you!”

— Heather Roche

"Meeting Vanessa and working with her as a 1-1 client has literally changed my life. When I first started working with Vanessa, I was always exhausted and barely eating enough protein. Vanessa recommended I start taking magnesium before bed and start eating more protein at every meal. Eating more protein has made my PMS non existent. I still cannot believe it and do not get me started on magnesium. It is honestly a game changer. I tell anyone I can about how much I love magnesium and it is all thanks to Vanessa! I wake up feeling rested and ready to tackle my day. If you have not listened to the Root and Remedy podcast yet, do yourself a favour and tune in! Also if you are debating working 1:1 with someone, Vanessa is your gal!"

— Katie Carmichael

"I am so beyond thankful for my sessions with Vanessa, her guidance, expertise and patience throughout the entire time we worked together.

She helped me come off hormonal birth control (which I was super nervous about), regulate my cycle, and tackle any post-pill problems that came my way. I would literally recommend her to anyone and everyone wanting support with their hormones, cycle, birth control and anything in between!"

— Julia Bauer

"Before working with Vanessa I was exhausted throughout the day, never having regular BMs, was bloated constantly and had horrible PMS. I cannot believe the results I was able to get with the nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle changes she recommended and guided me through. I am so glad that I don't dread my periods anymore and honestly can't believe I used to suffer the way I did thinking it was totally normal. Thank you Vanessa!!"

— Jessica Meizner

“This is EVERYTHING I NEEDED!!! I've read multiple books on this topic but never consulted anybody about it or knew where to go/ask questions. I knew nobody who uses FAM so it all made me super unsure. This course answered all my questions and gave me the confidence that I 1. Have the knowledge to put this into practice and 2. Have somebody to go to for advice, questions, etc. Even after I finish the course and do the 1 on 1, I feel confident that I could email Vanessa anytime with questions and she would be happy to help me, even it's a year or two after doing the course. 100000% recommend to anybody who is interested in FAM.”

— Sammi Brumm (FAM Client)

Ready for results like these?

“Vanessa is such an easy person to work with - she is beyond accommodating and always wonderful to speak with! I learned so much about how to change the way that I was feeling every day for the better by following Vanessa’s advice/suggestions that she worked with me to create, keeping my budget and lifestyle in mind. I’m beyond grateful!”

— Jessica Brown

"Working with Vanessa was one of the best decisions of my life. She helped me find confidence through a really rough time working through painful post birth control acne. She helped me be patient in finding a natural way to cure my acne and I could not be happier!!"

— Eryn Brown

“Working with Vanessa was the best decision I ever made for my overall health. I was going through a really challenging time hormonally after coming off the birth control pill and she helped get me and my cycles back to normal. In the world of medicine, it feels like women don't always get the most thorough care so I am beyond grateful for all of the help and guidance Vanessa provided.”

— Marisa Tassone

"Working with Vanessa was hands down one of the best decisions I have ever made! She taught me so much about how my body works and I feel more empowered than ever to have control back over my cycle. I was able to completely ditch the pill after 8 years on it and I feel like a whole new person. I didn’t even know that I was experiencing some symptoms from being on the pill until I stopped experiencing them. She helped me prepare my body for the change and support my body afterwards."

— Cassidy Quick

“Vanessa is a life-changer! I was struggling so much with my cycle and wasn't getting anywhere with my OBGYN and thought "Well I guess I'll suffer forever then." Then I found Vanessa through Instagram and she has completely changed my life! We had a thorough and comfortable intro process that included quantitative and qualitative data points, where I really learned a lot about myself and my habits that were contributing to my horrid cycles. With Vanessa's help, I've balanced my diet and basically transformed my cycles! She gave me supplements & instructions with the reasoning behind them (which is key for me!) and since they're "baby steps," they're easy to incorporate into everyday routines. I feel better, have more energy, and don't dread my monthly cycle. We started in February and I can say now in June that I am 100% convinced that Vanessa was sent from heaven to help me.”

— Nicole Wilke

"Working with Vanessa has been so, so helpful! She gives really actionable guidance and within four sessions I noticed a huge improvement in my quality of life. My indigestion is completely gone, and I had the first period I can ever remember where I felt almost my normal self!

It’s amazing what some simple changes can do, after all these years it seems almost too easy. If these are the improvements of only a couple months, I can’t wait to see what a longer period of consistency brings! I am so grateful for Vanessa’s insight, knowledge, and enthusiasm that she brings to every session and only wish I had reached out sooner."

— Jaya Ducharme

“VANESSA!! ❤️ I just wanted to let you know how much appreciate all your tips and everything, honestly I just had my first practically cramp-free and regular flow period since I was 18!!!! And it only lasted 6 days which is just INSANE for me. I just overall feel so much healthier since I’ve been making those small adjustments in my daily routine ❤️❤️ you are the BEST and I appreciate you so much!! “

— Liz Mebrahtu

“Working with Vanessa was such a blessing! When we started, I was experiencing pms symptoms such as mood swings/irritability, heavy periods, acne, low back pain, and cramping before and during my period. After a few months of learning how to balance my hormones the low back pain disappeared, cramping and heavy flow decreased, and my mood is controllable again! Highly recommend working with Vanessa for any type of menstrual cycle concerns or questions!”

— Aubrey Reynolds

“Having followed Vanessa for sometime on Instagram before signing up to learn FAM [fertility awareness method aka cycle tracking for birth control], I was familiar with her teaching style, personality, and philosophy. I had learned a lot through her posts but I wanted to get more information so I could be comfortable using the FAM method for birth control. I learned a lot since the material is very packed fill! She makes it interesting as you can tell the passion she has for the topic. It allowed me to go at my own pace through the material and really put it into practice. I also enjoyed the review and quiz material to test my knowledge. Overall, I would recommended the program to someone who would like to learn more about their body, cycle, and overall health. I now get excited when I am ovulating - even though I am using the method as birth control - because it means I am learning more about myself and more aware and able to predict when it will occur. It is nice to have a part of our cycle that we look forward to - because it is a sign of health!”

— FAM Client