Say hello to PMS-free cycles and painless periods.

Struggling with cramps, irritability and mood swings around your period? The Period Fix is here to change that. Welcome to your actionable, fun, no-BS roadmap to fixing your cycle and ending PMS.

In this self-paced course, you’ll achieve predictable, painless, PMS-free periods through nutrition, movement and lifestyle adjustments. Taught by women’s health & fertility practitioner Vanessa Oly.

Transform your period in just 6 cycles.

Testimonials & Client Love

"Working with Vanessa was an amazing experience! She is knowledgeable, caring, and always responsive to any questions in a timely manner. I always felt supported by her, and learned so much about my cycle. She helped improve not only my period health, but my sleep hygiene and gut health as well. She helped me to finally transition off of the pill and I could not recommend her more! Thank you!"

Heather Roche

“It’s amazing what some simple changes can do, after all these years it seems almost too easy. If these are the improvements of only a couple months, I can’t wait to see what a longer period of consistency brings!”

Jaya Ducharme

“Vanessa is such an easy person to work with - she is beyond accommodating and always wonderful to speak with! I learned so much about how to change the way that I was feeling every day for the better by following Vanessa’s advice/suggestions that she worked with me to create, keeping my budget and lifestyle in mind. I’m beyond grateful!”

Jessica Brown

“I’d  just like to say that I really enjoy meeting with you and walking through journey together. I’ve always felt really at ease and confident you’re guiding me in the right direction! It’s the BEST feeling - especially when it’s something so new and I knew hardly anything about…I’ve been telling all my friends about you for when they’re ready for something like this! ”

Mackenzie H

“Honestly I just had my first practically cramp-free and regular flow period since I was 18!!!! And it only lasted 6 days which is just INSANE for me. I just overall feel so much healthier since I’ve been making those small adjustments in my daily routine ❤️❤️”

Liz Mebrahtu

“Vanessa is a life-changer! I was struggling so much with my cycle and wasn't getting anywhere with my OBGYN and thought 'Well I guess I'll suffer forever then.' Then I found Vanessa through Instagram and she has completely changed my life! I learned a lot about myself and my habits that were contributing to my horrid cycles. With Vanessa's help, I've balanced my diet and basically transformed my cycles! She gave me supplements & instructions with the reasoning behind them (which is key for me!) and since they're "baby steps," they're easy to incorporate into everyday routines. I feel better, have more energy, and don't dread my monthly cycle. We started in February and I can say now in June that I am 100% convinced that Vanessa was sent from heaven to help me."

Nicole Wilke

“Working with Vanessa was hands down one of the best decisions I have ever made! She taught me so much about how my body works and I feel more empowered than ever to have control back over my cycle. I was able to completely ditch the pill after 8 years on it and I feel like a whole new person. I didn’t even know that I was experiencing some symptoms from being on the pill until I stopped experiencing them. She helped me prepare my body for the change and support my body afterwards.I”

Cassidy Quick

“Working with Vanessa was the best decision I ever made for my overall health. I was going through a really challenging time hormonally after coming off the birth control pill and she helped get me and my cycles back to normal. In the world of medicine, it feels like women don't always get the most thorough care so I am beyond grateful for all of the help and guidance Vanessa provided.” 

Marisa Tassone

"Before I was exhausted throughout the day, never having regular BMs, was bloated constantly and had horrible PMS. I cannot believe the results I was able to get with the nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle changes she recommended and guided me through. I am so glad that I don't dread my periods anymore and honestly can't believe I used to suffer the way I did thinking it was totally normal.”

Jessica Meizner

"Meeting Vanessa and working with her as a 1-1 client has literally changed my life. When I first started working with Vanessa, I was always exhausted and barely eating enough protein. Vanessa recommended I start taking magnesium before bed and start eating more protein at every meal. Eating more protein has made my PMS non existent. I still cannot believe it and do not get me started on magnesium. It is honestly a game changer. I tell anyone I can about how much I love magnesium and it is all thanks to Vanessa! I wake up feeling rested and ready to tackle my day. If you have not listened to the Root and Remedy podcast yet, do yourself a favour and tune in! Also if you are debating working 1:1 with someone, Vanessa is your gal! ”

Katie Carmichael

Easy, pain-free periods are just a few cycles away.

Easy, pain-free periods are just a few cycles away.

Are you ready to heal your PMS for good?

A $3,450 value for only $327

What if you need some extra help? We’ve got you!

Book a one-on-one session anytime with our women’s health practitioner, Vanessa Oly for an additional fee, or join our monthly live calls led by Vanessa. In these group sessions you’ll get to ask questions, work through plateaus and chat with fellow members.

We know how you feel…

The week before your period you…

  • Feel anxious, moody, irritable and like you could snap at any moment

  • Have no social battery and want to spend all of your time alone

  • Get in irrational fights with the people you love because you’re “PMSing”

  • Have horrible sleep and insomnia so you feel even worse as the week goes on

  • Feel like you could cry at literally any moment

  • Get constipated, bloated and just feel gross

And on your period you…

  • Need to take pain meds because your cramps, low back and leg pain are so bad

  • Constantly feel like your bleeding through your pad or tampon

  • Wake up in the middle of the night because your flow is so heavy

  • Have constant headaches

  • Need to call sick into work because you’re so exhausted and depleted

  • Feel so frustrated because you just want to be back to normal 

Imagine you get your period and you actually feel… normal.

You don’t feel that deep cramping pain that makes you run for the Advil and hot water bottle, you don’t feel like crying or snapping at your partner for no reason, you sleep through the night uninterrupted by pain or heavy bleeding, you go about your day feeling level headed, clear and calm.

This is what’s possible in The Period Fix.

The Period Fix takes a root-cause approach to healing your PMS once and for all. Plus, you’ll learn strategies to use when you have off months and difficult cycles in the future (it happens to all of us) so you never feel lost.

Here’s what you’ll learn inside each module:

Module One: Your Cycle, Explained.

  1. An introduction to your reproductive hormones & anatomy

  2. The four phases that govern your cycle: menstrual, follicular, ovulatory & luteal

  3. What does a healthy cycle look like?

  4. Cycle tracking 101

  5. Ask questions and get support, anytime

Module Two: Birth Control, 101

  1. What are my birth control options? Exploring hormonal and non-hormonal options

  2. Finding the right option for you

  3. Your protocol for coming off of hormonal birth control

  4. Ask questions and get support, anytime

Module Three: Nutrition & Gut Health

  1. Nutrition essentials & how to create a healthy relationship with food

  2. Optimizing your nutrition: creating a balanced plate, hydration, balancing blood sugar

  3. Creating daily routines & how to meal prep

  4. Supporting gut health

  5. Addressing digesitve issues

  6. Ask questions and get support, anytime

Module Four: Sleep & Stress

  1. Get to know your stress response: circadian rhythm and metabolism, stress-hormone connection

  2. How to balance your stress hormones

  3. The essentials for getting a good sleep

  4. The ultimate checklist: how to get the best sleep

  5. Ask questions and get support, anytime

Module Five: Movement & Exercise

  1. Learn the essentials: how exercise impacts your hormones & explore when, how often, and what kinds of workouts to try

  2. Create your workout routine

  3. How do you stay consistent?

  4. Ask questions and get support, anytime

Module Six: Mindset & Making Habits Stick

  1. How to build and maintain healthy habits

  2. The science of behaviour change, the power of identity shifts & breaking bad habits

  3. Mindset changes: what is a growth mindset?

  4. Creating a positive relationship with your body

  5. Ask questions and get support, anytime

When you enroll in The Period Fix, you also get:

Recipe E-Book (Value $31)

Cycle Syncing Grocery Guide E-Book (Value $27)

Private Online Community Group (Value: $350)

Strength Workout Guide E-Book & Supplement Guide (Value $50)

Monthly Live Group Sessions (Value $2500)

Are you ready to heal your PMS for good?

A $3,450 value for only $327

Imbalanced hormones are not the root problem.

PMS symptoms stem from an imbalance in two main hormones: estrogen & progesterone. Most of us are struggling with low progesterone and high estrogen.

Low progesterone looks like…

  • Insomnia or sleep issues

  • Low libido

  • Mood changes, anxiety and irritability

  • Breast tenderness

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Weight gain

  • Irregular periods or short cycles

  • Mid-cycle spotting, spotting before your period

  • Crying for no reason, depressive episodes or moods

High estrogen looks like…

  • Weight gain

  • Heavy periods

  • Cramps, low back pain and/or leg pain

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Mood swings

  • Breast tenderness

  • Bloating

  • Fibrocystic breasts

  • Acne

But, hormones always become imbalanced for a reason.

You need to know why your hormones became imbalanced in order to fix the problem for good. The leading causes of imbalanced estrogen & progesterone are:

  • High stress levels causing imbalanced hormones

  • Poor digestion & irregular bowel movements

  • Nutrient deficiencies

  • Under-eating & over-exercising

  • Not enough sleep, rest & relaxation

  • Too many stimulants

  • Being too sedentary and not moving our bodies properly

  • Lack of muscle & strength training to support hormones

  • Poor liver detoxification

When we are consistently doing things that deplete our bodies, we end up with imbalanced hormones. Those hormonal issues result in PMS, painful periods and cycle issues.

Fix the root-cause of your PMS.

The Period Fix takes a root-cause approach to healing your PMS once and for all. Plus, you’ll learn strategies to use when you have off months and difficult cycles in the future (it happens to all of us) so you never feel lost.

Easy, pain-free periods are just a few cycles away.

Easy, pain-free periods are just a few cycles away.

Testimonials & Client Love

The Period Fix